Reading and journaling 6: Machine vision
- Due Mar 10, 2016 by 10:15am
- Points None
To prepare for Class 6: Machine Vision (10 March), please read:
From the Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media:
- Cyborg and Posthuman (pp 121-124)
- Data (125-127)
Aufderheide, Patricia. 2007. "Dziga Vertov." In Documentary Film: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. Pages 38-44. Available online through the UiB library: (Links to an external site.)
Vertov, Dziga. 2004. "Kinoks: A Revolution." In Philip Simpson, Andrew Utterson and K.J. Shepherdson. Film Theory: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies: Vol. 1. London: Routledge. Pages 229-235.
Or read Vertov in Norwegian:
Vertov, Dziga. 1999. "Kinokene – en revolusjon." I Fossheim, Hallvard J. (red.) Filmteori: en antologi. Oslo: Pax. Side 27-33.
Greene, Daniel. “Drone Vision.” Surveillance & Society 13, no. 2 (2015): 233–49.
Look at art:
Texts from Drone Tumblr. (Use's Way Back engine as the Tumblr has been taken over by someone else:*/
James Bridle: Dronestagram.
Muse's VR video Revolt on VRSE - use the Google Cardboard in the study room!
Vertov's movies at Openculture (Links to an external site.).
Play a game using machine vision as interface (or at least look at a YouTube lets play video showing the gameplay), for example:
- Republique
- Watch Dogs
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Theories: can discuss and apply theories relevant to visual technology
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Research skills
Can identify a productive research question, find relevant sources, use correct citation techniques and compile a bibliography, can write an academic research paper.
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Writing habits
Has developed sustainable and productive writing habits and an awareness of what works well for him or her. Is able to manage a research and writing project with a balance of individual work and group interaction and feedback. Can give and receive constructive feedback on writing. Can assess feedback from others and integrate relevant feedback into own writing. Is prepared to work on MA thesis.
3.0 pts
Total Points:
out of 0