Practice: Is the reference real?

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  • Poeng 5
  • Spørsmål 5
  • Tidsbegrensning Ingen
  • Tillatte forsøk Ubegrenset


ChatGPT has given us these references after we asked for sources for the claim that there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean in 2050. Note that these references, which we have copied exactly as Chat GPT presents them, are incomplete.  They lack full author information and are not presented in a typical referencing format.

Exercise task: Use to check if these references are genuine.

NB! Remember that you must have read what you refer to in assignments and other texts.

If you are off campus, you must either use VPN or choose the right educational institution from the list. You must also remember to change your search to 'search all sources', to ensure that you include all academic publications (including those we do not have access to at the University of Bergen).