Introduction to programming for NLP with Python


The aim of this open virtual course is to offer basic knowledge and skills in programming. There are many Python courses, but this one is mostly focused on text processing, accessing web data and the analysis of data in linguistics, language studies, digital humanities and cognitive science.

Target audiences are undergraduate and graduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences who want to acquire hands-on knowledge and skills in working with language data. No previous programming experience is required, but some elementary knowledge and skills in the practical use of your computer, keyboard, web browser and file system, as well as some basal knowledge of linguistics and mathematics, are presupposed.

If you take this course for your own self-study, it is offered without guidance, without assessment, without credits and without a certificate. However, students at the University of Bergen can register for LING123 Language and Computers (Språk og data) which includes these modules.

The core of the course consists of a series of Jupyter notebooks that combine examples of Python code with explanatory text. The notebooks provide demonstrations of simple language processing and the aggregation and visualization of qualitative and quantitative data, including data from real language research, from CLARINO, and from other sources. They also suggest exercises which should solvable on the basis of the given examples and explanations. Ideally, the content should be presented by a teacher and the exercises should be supervised, but the course is also suitable for self-study.

These course materials are licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Please credit the University of Bergen in your attribution. Citation: Introduction to programming for NLP with Python. Web-based course at the University of Bergen.

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