Course Syllabus

Teaching hours

Lectures on Tuesdays at 14:15 and Thursdays at 12:15 (Nash Auditorium, VilVite)

Problem solving sessions on Fridays at 08:15 (Nash Auditorium, VilVite)

Groups (mostly Høyteknologisenteret Datalab 3):
Group 1 on Wednesdays 10:15
Group 2 on Wednesdays 12:15
Group 3 on Wednesdays 14:15
Group 4 on Tuesdays 10:15 (Realfagsbygget Datalab 1002)
Group 5 on Wednesdays 08:15
Group 6 on Thursdays 08:15

Instructor office hours on Thursdays after lecture (near waffles in student hall).



Chapters 1-4 in the textbook:
Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, Algorithms (4th ed), Addison-Wesley, 2011. (exception: we will not use their graphics package, nor do any computer graphics).

Also including all related material on the book's website:

As well as lecture notes, assignments and assigned readings published here at the course pages.


Tentative progress of lectures

Weeks Chapters
34 - 35 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
36 - 38 2
39 - 41 3
42 - 45 4
46 Repetition
47 Final exam 20.11.2018


Course Summary:

Date Details Due