yellow and brown leaves on white ceramic tiles


  • to be an academic discussion between opponents and the PhD candidate regarding the formulation of the research topic, methodical, empirical and theoretical decisions and rationale, use of concepts, as well as the documentation of sources and formal presentation.
  • to test the validity of the central conclusions drawn by the candidate in the thesis
  • to give the discussion a form which allows those unfamiliar with the contents of the thesis or the subject area to follow the discussion


Evaluation of the public defence

It is the responsibility of the committee to decide whether or not to recommend the public defence for approval. 

  • If a thesis is found to be worthy of public defence, this will normally lead to approval of the defence.
  • Should new factors come to light during the public defence which create uncertainty among the committee members and which cannot be resolved during the public defence, the committee should assess the possible consequences of these factors before signing the documents for approval of the public defence.
  • If the public defence is not approved, a new defence may be held once. A new defence should as far as possible be evaluated by the original committee.

person writing on white paper

Illustrations: Unsplash



PhD Regulations (UiB level) Programme description (faculty level) Webpages an guidelines

Part IV Completion, Section 15-3. Public defence Links to an external site.

Completion. Public defence

The committee's evaluation of the trial lecture and public defence

Submission, assessment and public defence